iPhone 4 Now Available In Canada

On July 30, 2010, in Technology, by ComputerAbuser

Honestly, I could care less, but there appears to be a lot of interest in Apple’s newest creation.

Despite the acknowledged antenna design flaw, hundreds of interested buyers lined up this morning so that they could be some of the first in the country to own one.

For fun I went and checked and the Rogers web site informed me that I am “eligible” to upgrade both of my cell phone accounts to an iPhone 4 if I so choose.  I guess that means that they give me permission to sign my cell phone rights over to them for 3 more years and likewise agree to pay excessive data charges for said privilege.  Personally, I’m happy with my LG eXpo (review coming soon).

In the past my wife expressed interest in getting an iPhone.  The subsidized price from Rogers is $159 vs $659 unlocked directly from Apple for the 16 GB model.  That’s actually a pretty significant subsidy.  Although, Bell & Telus have announced that they will be offering the iPhone 4 for the exact same price.

Isn’t that nice that the big 3 were able to agree on the same pricing strategy and avoid any type of price war.  I’m so glad that they are looking out for my interests.


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